Saturday, December 7, 2019

Implement Physical Activity Programmes in Clinical Practice

Question: Discuss about the Implement Physical Activity Programmes in Clinical Practice. Answer: Introduction: Physical therapy or physiotherapy is a noble profession in the healthcare sector. It can be defined as the domain of physical medicine as well as rehabilitation specialty. This kind of treatment mainly uses the mechanical force and movements to remediate impairments so that there is promotion in the patients mobility, function and in quality of life (OMahony Blake, 2017). The physical therapist as a profession thereby mainly involves the expert to provide a quality life to his client mainly by the processes of examination, proper diagnosis, prognosis and in various physical interventions. A physical therapist does not only engage himself to clinical practices but can also include activities of various domains like research, consultation, education and even in administration as well( Lefman Sheppard, 2014). These treatments are usually carried out in association of other medical services. Due to its varying scope of practice, many healthcare enthusiasts have liked this as their prof ession for livelihood. The essay will mainly portray a reflection of my experiences that I have gathered as a physiotherapist in the various domains that I have worked. This will in turn help me to look at the various positive as well as the negative aspects of the profession in have faced. This will help me to strengthen the positive aspects and work hard to minimise the weakness that I have faced while practicing my profession. I will mainly use the ORID model of reflection which will help me to reflect myself in a sequential manner and thereby develop my expertise in the field. The First step of the ORID model usually includes the Objective section that usually helps a person to explore his various learning experiences like the different domains and objects that he has covered in his learning, reading and observing procedures in his preparation phase. Within the scope of practice of the physiotherapists, I have been successful enough to develop a detailed knowledge about the assessment of the neuromuscular system along with that of the musco-skeletal system and cardio-respiratory systems. My course work has helped me to prepare myself in properly diagnosing different kinds of diseases along with that of other disorders that remain intricately associated with that of different physical dysfunction, pain and also injury. It has helped to regain different types of experiences that have taught me the different treatments that I can undertake to help my patient get relief from the pain. My responsibility in my professional years will mainly include various inter vention strategies which will help to develop, maintain, rehabilitate and thereby augment function sin the individual clients which will improve their mobility. These scopes are included in the Bill 179 under the Regulatory Health Professions Act Statue Law Amendment Act, Ontario Government 2010. If followed properly, this will not only ensure proper service to humankind but will also help to prevent any sort of legal obligations, which may hamper my reputation as a professional physiotherapist when I would pursue the job (Badia et al., 2014). I have also been able to develop the essential competencies which had helped me to groom myself in such a way which will help me to provide the best service as a professional with very few chances of making any mistakes. It has taught me that as an expert it would be my duty to at first consult with patients so that I can obtain the correct health information from the patient. Once the assessment data is collected by me, I need to assess the d ata and critically analyse the findings so that I can prepare the best intervention plan for my clients. After properly applying my intervention, my responsibility would include the evaluation of the intervention in order to ensure that the intervention had been fruitful for the patient in gaining relief from the pain that he is experiencing. This would help to assess whether any modification of service is essential or not for proper service delivery (Walkeden Walker, 2015). While performing the mentioned steps, I have to make sure also that I become a successful communicator so that I can pay importance to patient satisfaction. I need to properly develop and maintain a rapport with the patient by building a relationship based on trust and ethical and moral virtues. I need to make sure that the patient share information properly so that I can provide the best service. In order to achieve this it is important for me to establish a verbal and also a non verbal communication medium where the patient would not only be comfortable but would also be able to cooperate in the best way. The more the patient engagement in the therapies, the more the physiotherapist would be sure that his interventions will bring out the best results. I would also have to play the role of an efficient collaborator in the healthcare sector where I will be placed. Since physiotherapy often takes place in association with many other interventions in a healthcare setting, I would also have to establish and maintain proper professional relationships. This would be done by proper prevention; managements and resolution of conflicts if the ari se in the healthcare sector (Johnston Beales, 2016). I was also prepared in the best way by my mentors so that I can also perform the responsibility of a manager if I get placed in the administration section of a physiotherapy department. My main responsibility would be to manage individual practices at the same time of supervising the different involved personnel. I would also ensure that every individuals practice safe a as well as effective physiotherapy to their clients. As responsible physiotherapists, my duty would also be a proper advocate in promoting healthcare among individuals, populations and also communities. My mentors have advised us that I must never stagnant myself in learning procedures. I should constantly reflect my practices so that I can gain insights into my strengths and weakness and accordingly modify myself for ensuring my expertise in the field. I would prefer gathering of knowledge throughout my tenure of practice as I believe that no one can ever become so learned to stop gaining new knowledge. I should pre fer evidence based approach in my practices so that in can ensure that the most modern techniques are adapted by me. Moreover as a professional, I should maintain the standards that my profession demands both in legal and ethical domains at the same time of respecting individuals and by contributing the best for the development of physiotherapy in my profession (Synnot et al., 2015). All the important procedures and the scopes that I have studied in my course years will help me to be a successful physiotherapist. This profession is indeed very important in the present society. This is because the modern era has a number of disorders like cystic fibrosis, arthritis and others, which can only be treated by proper methods of physiotherapy only. By successfully studying the subject of physiotherapy, both the society as well as I would reap benefits as both of our aims mainly lie in the welfare of the nation. The next step of the reflective piece would mainly involve the different types of experiences that I have gone through during my course years. This had helped me to gain confidence, as my professor had been extremely happy with my work. In this regard, I would like to portray two important experiences that had made me feel consistent about my knowledge. Our professor, in order to test our critical thinking skill had provided us with case studies in order to see how we would fare in our future if we take up the profession. He gave us a case like that of a patient named Sally who came to a clinic with complaints of pain in the right forearm. She also complained of problems in performing her duties. By saying so the professor asked us our duty that would be as a physiotherapist. Although she had complained in her forearm, I tried to analyse each details of her so that I can find the main source. After critical analysis, something interesting came to be light. I tried to relate my knowle dge with the patients symptoms and understood that she was suffering from neural tension. My professor was very impressed of my critically analysing capability, which in turn helped me to gain confidence. While I was advised by the professor to provide correct treatment methods for her, I tried to apply my both theoretical as well as practical skills and knowledge. I planned intervention, which included muscle strengthening, muscle stretching, upper back strengthening, and neural gliding as well. Such good words from the professor boosted my confidence and made me more enthusiastic for taking up the profession of physiotherapy. My professor also stated that I had followed each step that I need to follow while attending a patient. This response from my professor helped me to be similarly dedicating to every patient and never take any of their problems for granted. I had applied all scopes of practice in my hypothetical treatment plan. All of these criteria were monitored by my profes sor and appreciated my dedication in my profession. I was excited by such kind of challenges that I faced in the case where I had to develop a critical thinking ability. I want to provide my love for the profession for the benefit of humankind and when this accompanies interesting challenges, there would be no scope for boredom. I always prefer such challenging profession. Moreover this profession is also well respected in the society for the relief that it provides to distressed people in pain. Therefore taking such reputable profession as my career would be a dream fulfilment. The next step of the reflection would mainly cover the various cognitive learning experiences that I have gathered in my university years. This step mainly involves the interpretive learning parts in my reflection. I handled an exceptional case that my professor provided to me and to a classmate of mine. He suggested the case, which contained a patient who comes to the clinic. She came with issue of slight incontinence characterised by leakage of urine and urgency (Leaking when a person thinks she need to visit the toilet). It was found that the patient always had to go to the bathroom and even failed to make it in time. My professor asked us to follow the case and come up with interventions. While both of us were even not considering the case to be attended by physiotherapist, my mentor advised that each symptoms shown by the patients can be modified by physiotherapist. However, that would require perseverance to critically analyse each of the symptoms and relating them with the kno wledge acquired by us in our course years. This advice of the professor helped us to evaluate many factors that the patient was suffering from. We learnt to apply our problem solving skills and memory retention capability to each case that come to us without giving up on the first go. Development of thinking skills and our perception of learned material ultimately helped both of us to crack the best treatment that would have healed the patient. We suggested pelvic floor muscle exercise along with deferring techniques and pad types. We also provided her a lot of education about the fluid and dietary requirements. Therefore, this experience helped me to develop my cognitive learning behaviours and taught me to develop my perseverance skill, critically analysing skill, memory retention skill, relating my practise with my knowledge and many others. It also gave me confidence that no interventions are beyond the capability of my profession. I have to be confident, calm, composed and foll ow my inner capabilities to provide the best treatment to my patients. Therefore, from this experience, I have understood that the profession of physiotherapy is highly practical and if it is practiced in an honest manner with best knowledge in the subject, it is able to treat any form of disorder that the human physiology can get affectedby. Due to these reasons, this profession is much respected in my country of Canada. Canada has therefore came up with huge number of sectors having physiotherapy departments as they have came to understand the importance that the profession hold in the present era in healthcare. They have also introduced huge number of placements in these departments, which will help me to get a proper respectable job of a physiotherapist in my own nation. A good physiotherapist with expected skills will always be in high demand and therefore my taking of this profession would help me earn my livelihood well. The last step would mainly include the decisional segment of my reflective piece. This part will mainly help in incorporating the different things that I have learnt in my university years, which would help me to be a professional physiotherapist with the best reputation that would earn me respect. In order to achieve my goal, I have to practise important personality trails and skill that will help me provide the best care to my patients. I need to be initiative, patient, sensitive and tactful while communicating and analysing a patients condition. I need to develop exceptional communicational skills with a proper ability and mentality to work in a team. I need to possess excellent problem solving skills as well as organisational skills. I have to develop my ability to be empathetic, encouraging and be firm. I need to establish good relationship with my patients and their families. I should develop the capability to work under pressure and manage time efficiently. All these would hel p me make a big difference in the life of human beings who are in severe pain with their movements. This profession will give me a scope to act as a rehabilitation specialist, which will help to foster a patients return to maximal function in her life. The profession has the main aim of increasing the patient ability to move, reduce pain, prevent disability and even restore function. This profession is highly contributing to promote health of an individual and promises to give him best life. As a result, such highly dedicating profession would be an honour for me as I have always loved humankind and wanted to dedicate my life for their betterment. Moreover, Canadian population at the present era has a huge percentage of aging individuals who are in dire need of physiotherapy and therefore by taking this profession, I could not only help them but also enjoy job security as well. My love for anatomy and physiology had always pushed me to accept the profession of physiotherapist. I have thereby tried my best to provide the best interventions to the patients who come for my service. The reflective piece has helped me to gain confidence from the experiences that I have gone through and has helped me to develop my perseverance while analysing a case study. It had also helped to revive my memory of the various scopes that my courses provided me with clear clarification of the competencies that I need to achieve in my profession. This reflection had thereby helped me to identify the personality traits that I need to develop in order to be a proper physiotherapist and I believe that my genuine interest in health and well-being of patients will take me a long way. References: Alexanders, J., Anderson, A., Henderson, S. (2015). Musculoskeletal physiotherapists use of psychological interventions: a systematic review of therapists perceptions and practice.Physiotherapy,101(2), 95-102. Badia, M., Riquelme, I., Orgaz, B., Acevedo, R., Longo, E., Montoya, P. (2014). Pain, motor function and health-related quality of life in children with cerebral palsy as reported by their physiotherapists.BMC pediatrics,14(1), 192. Johnston, V., Beales, D. (2016). Enhancing direct access and authority for work capacity certificates to physiotherapists.Manual therapy,25, 100-103. Lefmann, S. A., Sheppard, L. A. (2014). Perceptions of emergency department staff of the role of physiotherapists in the system: a qualitative investigation.Physiotherapy,100(1), 86-91. Morris, J. H., Oliver, T., Kroll, T., Joice, S., Williams, B. (2015). From physical and functional to continuity with pre-stroke self and participation in valued activities: A qualitative exploration of stroke survivors, carers and physiotherapists perceptions of physical activity after stroke.Disability and rehabilitation,37(1), 64-77. OMahony, N., Blake, C. (2017). Musculoskeletal triage: The experiences of advanced practice physiotherapists in Ireland.Physiotherapy Practice and Research,38(1), 7-16. Stubbs, B., Probst, M., Soundy, A., Parker, A., De Herdt, A., De Hert, M., ... Vancampfort, D. (2014). Physiotherapists can help implement physical activity programmes in clinical practice.The British Journal of Psychiatry,204(2), 164-164. Stubbs, B., Soundy, A., Probst, M., De Hert, M., De Herdt, A., Vancampfort, D. (2014). Understanding the role of physiotherapists in schizophrenia: an international perspective from members of the International Organisation of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH).Journal of Mental Health,23(3), 125-129. Synnott, A., OKeeffe, M., Bunzli, S., Dankaerts, W., O'Sullivan, P., O'Sullivan, K. (2015). Physiotherapists may stigmatise or feel unprepared to treat people with low back pain and psychosocial factors that influence recovery: a systematic review.Journal of physiotherapy,61(2), 68-76. Walkeden, S., Walker, K. M. (2015). Perceptions of physiotherapists about their role in health promotion at an acute hospital: a qualitative study.Physiotherapy,101(2), 226-231.

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